Masters of the World - Geopolitical Simulator 3 includes several new features:
- Multi-country game mode: the player can lead several countries simultaneously and change the fate of the world by developing collaborative strategies
- New map (high resolution) with detailed cultural zones, different types of forest (broadleaf, pine, rainforests), savannas, rivers, urban areas, rail networks, oil and gas pipelines, ports and airports (with aircraft route management), oil tankers, containerships, and more.
- New laws: players can set the income tax by bracket, nationalize/privatize economic activities, set product prices, and adjust the head of state’s salary level. They can also regulate physician-assisted suicide, same-sex parent adoption, abortion, marijuana consumption, prostitution, and the right of foreign nationals to vote in local elections.
- In-depth debt management, including intervention by rating agencies, interest rate negotiations with international lenders, and the ability to apply for loans or debt relief with the IMF or the Eurozone
- Players can create their own international organizations and define their types (free trade zone, monetary union, politico-military organization, exporting countries), budget, geographical area, bylaws (voting system, meetings with heads of state, common political ideology...).
- Televised appearances: from the president’s office to announce new drawbacks, try to justify unpopular decisions or calm the people when they are angry; from the UN press gallery when, for example, requesting a military intervention; while traveling in a region or during important events to occupy the media and strengthen popularity
- New construction projects available: pipeline networks crossing several countries to transport the gas and oil, high-speed train lines, port centers, and civil airports to improve transportation conditions, tourism, and freight.
- New scenarios: “American Fiscal Cliff,” “Israel-Iran Escalation,” “Organization of Rice Exporting Countries,” “European Budgetary Golden Rule,” “Building South American Pipelines,” “African Economic Boom,” “Third World War,” “Triple A,” and “Famine in Southern Sudan.” etc.
- World Simulation mode playable in multiplayer mode over a network
- The ability adjust various game settings: terrorist organization activity level, the probability of natural and man-made disaster triggering, the reactivity level of the people and social groups to unpopular actions on the part of their ruler, the probability of wars being triggered and their level of acceptance by the people (peaceful world or war-prone world)
- The integration of ongoing game support, personified by a professor of geopolitics, who can explain to the player the game’s major functional principles for politics, economy, strategy, and espionage, alert the player to problems that need to be solved in his or her country and the actions that can be taken, and provide the player with some political tips and tricks.
- A technology discovery tree display showing technological advancements and opportunities for research sectors
- System display of signed economic contract assessments
- Detailed election results and surveys with percentages for all political parties for each of the country’s groups and lobbies
- The ability to group together several proposed laws into a reform to present them to Parliament together and have them voted on all at once. This can be helpful for passing laws that might otherwise not pass
- Implementation of a referendum procedure of some proposed laws: with a referendum, it is the people, not the Parliament, who decide whether to adopt the law.
- The addition of commando units, which operate in stealth mode to conduct operations directly within enemy bases
- Mission planning for military units: the player can assign multiple objectives and define patrol areas
- Links to relevant Wikipedia articles for each proposed law
- Updates on January 1, 2013 with over 600 data elements for each of the 175 playable countries, including the political makeup of governments and legislative bodies based on the latest elections, the latest estimates for budgetary deficits and debts, countries’ ratings with rating agencies, growth estimates for the next 40 years, etc.
- Updates and creation of new faces in line with reality: heads of state, department secretaries, political party leaders, the heads of international organizations...
- Inclusion of new organizations: BRICS, GUAM, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Bolivarian Alliance
- New playable countries: South Sudan, Luxembourg, Malta, Singapore, Maldives, Cape Verde, the Solomon Islands, Comoros, Trinidad and Tobago, and Barbados